WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesday: 26 June 2024

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“WWW” Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted at Taking On A World of Words.

Hi everybody, and welcome to a new WWW Wednesday! For this post, we’ll be answering three questions (the 3 Ws):

  1. What did you recently finish reading?
  2. What are you currently reading?
  3. What do you think you’ll read next?
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Just Finished Reading
The Familiar by Leigh Bardugo

I just finished reading The Familiar by Leigh Bardugo as audiobook.

This was, objectively, a great book. Solid 4-4,5 stars. I loved the dark and gothic vibes, the historical setting of the Spanish Golden Age, the fantasy elements woven in, the touch of romance, and Leigh Bardugo’s ever vibrant writing style.

But for some reason I could not connect to the story. I struggled and it took me a whole month to finish it. I also was never itching to pick it back up in between reading sessions. I think many people will love this one, but for me it’s probably not one I will re-read.

The Five Year Lie by Sarina Bowen

I just finished reading The Five Year Lie by Sarina Bowen in ebook format.

What, Lindsey picked up a thriller? Yes I did and I have to be honest, I mostly picked it up because it was written by romance queen Sarina Bowen so I expected I’d still get my romance fix in this thriller and I did!

I adored this read. The plot was intriguing and addictive, I never wanted to stop reading because I NEEDED to know what was going to happen, I got super invested in the characters and I felt like the ending was satisfying.

Currently Reading
Leather and Lark by Brynne Weaver

I am currently reading Leather & Lark by Brynne Weaver as audiobook.

Earlier this year, I read the first book in this series, Butcher & Blackbird, and was surprised by how quickly I fell for the quirky, dark yet hilarious serial killer romance. So OF COURSE I need to dive into book two ASAP.

Only just started though, so no further thoughts just yet.

Reading Next

As usual, I’m a huge mood reader so who knows what I’ll be reading next? Until the moment I pick up a book, not even me knows. But after The Familiar and The Five Year Lie (and even Leather and Lark), I am looking for soft and fluffy and happy romances. So here are a few possibilities I’m thinking of:

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Tell Me:
What are you currently reading?
Have you read any of these books already?

Lindsey xoxo


  1. Ooh, I didn’t know Sarina Bowen had a mystery but it sounds great! Thanks for putting it on my radar 😃 I hope you enjoy your current and future reads, Lindsey!

    1. Yay, hope you’ll enjoy The Five Year Lie if you decide to give it a try, Dini!

  2. You know a book must have been good when you’re already jumping into the second one!

    1. So true!

  3. I LOVED The Five Year Lie! Like you, I was reading (well, listening) as fast as I could because I had to know what was going to happen!

    1. Yay, I loved The Five Year Lie too! If Sarina Bowen decides to write more thrillers, I’m definitely reading them 🙂

  4. I hope that Not In Love will be one of my ‘next’ books too. I just have some ARCs to read first 😛

    1. I just started Not In Love 🙂 Good luck with your ARCs, hope you’ll love them and then Not In Love too 😉

  5. My sister just loaned me a copy of The Five Year Lie – now I’m really looking forward to it!

    1. I LOVED The Five Year Lie (though I’m not used to reading thrillers, so maybe I’m not a representative recommendation 🙂 ), hope you will too!

  6. I have the Butcher book on my bookshelf waiting to be read and would really like to get my hands on The Familiar as well.

    1. I hope you’ll love both Butcher & Blackbird and The Familiar!

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