Top Ten Tuesday

April Showers: Rainy Day Reads

20240102 April Showers Rainy Day Reads

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Hi everybody and welcome to a new Top Ten Tuesday! Today’s topic is April Showers and I decided to highlight a few books I think are perfect rainy day reads. If I think about a rainy day read, it can be any genre (though I love fantasy the most) but with atmospheric *vibes*. They have some whimsy to them and they’re books you can just completely lose yourself in so much that the rain outside completely fades away (or just becomes a part of the *atmosphere*).

So I came up with the below 10 examples that make perfect rainy day reads for me:

divider black

Tell Me:
What’s a perfect rainy day read for you?

Lindsey xoxo


  1. I spy some really popular and hyped books on your list this week! I know lots of people loved Leigh’s and of course “The Dead Romantics” looks interesting, too. 🙂 I love a good cozy rainy day read. Mine would probably be a solid romance. story.

    1. Thanks! Oh a solid romance is always nice too!

  2. Great take on the prompt! Divine Rivals, Belladonna, The Dead Romantics and Wolfsong are perfect rainy day reads. 😍 I still have to pick up Addie LaRue but can imagine it would be too!

    1. Thanks! Hope you’ll love Addie LaRue when you pick it up (perhaps on a rainy day 😉 )

  3. There’s nothing like losing yourself in a book on a rainy day.

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. So true!

  4. Yes, definitely agree that a rainy day book has a certain “vibe” – atmospheric is a great way to describe it!

    1. Thanks!

  5. The Dead Romantics would be a great rainy day read! I loved that book.

    1. Me too, and it would indeed be perfect for a rainy day 🙂

  6. Sophie @BewareOfTheReader says:

    You inspired me today Lindsey!

    1. Yay, thanks Sophie! 🙂

  7. You have some wonderful-sounding books on your list this week, Lindsey. For me a good rainy day read is any book I’m reading while it’s raining. LOL!
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    1. Haha so true, Pam! 🙂

  8. I think you were smart to go in this direction. I thought about it, but figured the original topic wouldn’t be hard…it was, LOL!

    1. It was indeed so much trickier than it sounded at first haha 🙂

  9. This was a brilliant take on the topic!! I totally agree with so many of these reads. I still need to read Belladonna! I have heard such great things.

    1. Thanks so much! I LOVED Belladonna, hope you will too!

      1. Thank you!! I think I will love it! 🙂

  10. I love a good rainy/stormy setting, especially in thrillers. If it’s raining outside that just adds to the reading experience, like you said.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!


    1. So true! Rainy days are made to stay in and read, if you ask me 😉

  11. I’d like to read The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue. Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thanks!

    1. I hope you’ll love The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue!

  12. Oooh, these books are definitely atmospheric! I’ve read three of them, and I have Divine Rivals and Serpents and the Wings of Night on my TBR. Great picks!


    1. Thanks! Hope you’ll love Divine Rivals and Serpents and the Wings of Night when you get to them (perhaps on a rainy day 😉 )

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