Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
Hi everybody and welcome to a new Top Ten Tuesday! Today we’re talking about things getting in the way of reading and while I don’t think my list is super original, it’s unfortunately true that all these things get in the way of my reading.
Luckily we have audiobooks that help us bookworms to read while doing lots of other stuff, like driving or chores or walking the dog. Otherwise this list would be way longer. But as it is, there are really only 5 things that I just can not do at the same time as reading, so here they are:
I like my job, but that’s at least eight hours a day that I can’t read! Imagine how many books I could read in those eight hours… but alas I need to work to earn book money.

I wish I was one of those people who didn’t need a lot of sleep. Hey, I’d settle for being someone who could sit down at night and read until I’m ready to go to bed. But alas – if I try to read after 8 or 9 pm, I’m one of those people that falls asleep on the sofa after reading exactly 2 pages.

Sometimes I feel more like binge watching a new show and while I do feel guilty sometimes, most of the time I’m okay with putting my books aside in favor of said show.

For some reason, friends and family do not appreciate when we’re together and I’m reading a book instead of following the conversation. I do not understand this at all, but I’ve learned to adapt to their strange ways…

I know, I know. I love my book blog and wouldn’t want to miss it for the world, but truth be told, I sometimes spend more time writing about books for my blog, than actually reading said books. Ah, the curse of the book blogger 😉

Tell Me:
What are some things getting in the way of your reading?
Do you also use audiobooks as a way to get more reading done?

My website/blog also takes up a LOT of time. But since I decided to seriously work on making it better that’s what has to be done. Also, I hear ya’ on the whole TV binging. I watch WAY too many shows. It’s a fault for me. 😉
So true! I think people sometimes definitely underestimate how much time goes into maintaining a blog/website! Haha I also love so many shows, but no regrets 😉
Oddly I didn’t even think of blogging. Ha! And I was blogging. Ha ha!
Haha I guess blogging and reading have become very similar to us book bloggers 🙂
Heh, I’ve had similar thoughts about blogging. It’s worth it…but it does reduce reading time for sure!
My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-things-getting-in-the-way-of-reading/
So true! I love blogging and it’s definitely worth it… but it does take up time that I can’t spend reading haha 🙂
I absolutely use audiobooks to get more reading done when I’m busy. When I’m doing mundane things I struggle to keep my mind occupied, I get really bored. Audiobooks are a god send 🙂
Your comment about work really made me laugh. Yeah, it sucks that we need to work so we can buy books 🤣 he he.
Have a great week x
Audiobooks are indeed such a god send! I wouldn’t be able to live without them anymore.
Haha yes, we need to work to earn the book money, that’s for sure! 🙂
If only we could all be paid to read whatever we wished!
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.
That would be the dream! 🙂
It’s funny how blogging takes away from reading, which is what we’re blogging about.
I know! I love both, but I can’t do both at the same time 🙂
I love that you put work first because that’s so true 🤣
Haha, it does get in the way of reading time, that’s for sure 😉
Maybe not socializing so much for me, but definitely all of the other ones, I totally agree with!
We have some family friends that we socialize with who are ALL book lovers. We’ve had parties where we all just sat down and read our books before. It was the best! LOL.
Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!
That sounds amazing and like my kind of party, haha 😀
Sleep is a big one! I used to be able to stay up late to read but those days are gone lol
Haha so true, though glad to hear I’m not the only one! 😀
I could read so many books in 8 hours! Work and the commute to work suck up my entire day.
So true! If only we could get paid to read books and write about them 🙂
Ha ha yes, work and blogging are probably the two things that most get in the way of my reading time (ironic really that my book blog stops me from reading!). Sleep of course, I used to read before bed, but I find I don’t do that as much anymore because I’m usually just too tired! TV also gets in the way of reading, though to be honest I’ve been doing less of that lately too because other things have been getting in the way of both reading and TV watching!
My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2023/05/17/top-ten-tuesday-420/
It is so ironic that book blogging takes us away from reading 😀 I keep trying to read before bed, but 9 out of 10 evenings it just doesn’t work out as I fall asleep too quickly haha 🙂
Ha ha it definitely is! I guess I’ve just fallen out of the habit, but I do find that I also fall asleep quite quickly when I go to bed now!
It’s a lot of those same ones for me 🙂 I rely on audiobooks a lot these days.
Audiobooks are a lifesaver 🙂