WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesday: 24 April 2024

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β€œWWW” Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted at Taking On A World of Words.

Hi everybody, and welcome to a new WWW Wednesday! For this post, we’ll be answering three questions (the 3 Ws):

  1. What did you recently finish reading?
  2. What are you currently reading?
  3. What do you think you’ll read next?
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Just Finished Reading
Always Practice Safe Hex by Juliette Cross

I just finished reading Always Practice Safe Hex by Juliette Cross in ebook format.

While I am loving this paranormal romance series, I have to admit this has been my least favorite installment so far. I just didn’t connect with Livvy and Gareth as much as I did the other couples. I’m guessing because it was very lusty/steamy from the very beginning and I usually prefer a bit more slow burn romance first, steam afterwards.

Powerless by Lauren Roberts

I just finished reading Powerless by Lauren Roberts as audiobook.

Was this the most original read ever? No.
Was the worldbuilding the best? Also not really.
But OH BOY THE ROMANCE!! The banter! The swoons! The things Kai says and thinks *heart eyes*
And there was hardly even a kiss in here…
So am I beyond excited to read book 2 when it releases? YES PLEASE!

Currently Reading
Funny Story by Emily Henry

I am currently reading Funny Story by Emily Henry as audiobook.

Just started so no thoughts yet, other than… My most anticipated read of the year is FINALLY here!!!

Resting Witch Face by Juliette Cross

I am currently reading Resting Witch Face by Juliette Cross in ebook format.

Finally time to dive into Jules and Ruben’s story! Ready for this second-chance witch/vampire romance.

Reading Next

As usual, I’m a huge mood reader so who knows what I’ll be reading next? Until the moment I pick up a book, not even me knows. But here are a few possibilities:

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Tell Me:
What are you currently reading?
Have you read any of these books already?

Lindsey xoxo


  1. My sister loves Juliette Cross!

    1. I’ve really been enjoying her books lately too πŸ™‚

  2. Livvy and Gareth were one of my faves in the series but I can totally see why it wouldn’t work for youβ€”it definitely was very lusty and steamy from the go! πŸ˜‚ I loved Jule and Ruben’s story more than theirs though so I hope you do enjoy that one πŸ™‚ I’m also keen to see what you’ll think of the last book in the series. Happy reading!

    1. Haha yes Livvy and Gareth’s book is definitely one of the highest rated ones on Goodreads too, so I think it’s just a me-thing πŸ™‚ But I’m definitely already loving Jules and Ruben’s story so far!

  3. Lindsey, I LOVED Midnight Ruin so I hope you’ll get around to it soon. I’d love to hear your thoughts on it. πŸ˜€

    1. I hope to start it very, very soon, but I’m happy to hear you LOVED it! I have high hopes I’ll love it too πŸ™‚

  4. I just started Funny Story yesterday…FINALLY!…and I cant wipe the silly grin off my face. I wholeheartedly love Emily Henry’s characters and dialogue….every single time!

    1. I’m also not very far yet but really loving it so far!

  5. I started listening to the Funny Story audiobook yesterday. So far, I’m loving the story 😊

    1. I’ve also just recently started so not far yet, but I’m loving it so far πŸ™‚

  6. So many great reads. I’ve got both Funny Story and Powerless on my TBR

    1. I hope you’ll love both of them!

  7. I am so excited for Funny Story!! I’ve got a print copy, but I’m trying to be patient because I really want to wait for the audiobook. I love Julia Whelan!


    1. I just finished the audiobook and LOVED it! It’s my new favorite Emily Henry for sure πŸ™‚

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