Top Ten Tuesday

Characters I’d Like To Go On Vacation With

20240416 Characters I’d Like To Go On Vacation With

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Hi everybody and welcome to a new Top Ten Tuesday! Today I’m talking about characters I’d like to go on vacation with.

I split this into two parts, with the first part just me inserting myself into existing (well, fictionally at least) friend groups and visiting them on their home turf, and then the second part where I’d made two ‘custom’ trips and chose a few different bookish characters I’d like to take with me:

Existing friend groups I just want to become a part of

All of these books/series already have amazing friend groups that I wouldn’t change but would love to be a part of. As for where we’d go on vacation? Honestly, since I’ve never been on their home turfs, I’d love to visit them there, whether it’s in Chicago, New Orleans or a fantasy setting like The Night Court. They could show me around all of their favorite spots and I would soak it all up. Maybe not super original but hey, it’s what I’d love most!

My own custom trips featuring different characters


Robin from Taming Demons – she loves books AND baking so we could bake together and then read together while eating everything we’ve baked!

Elisabeth from Sorcery of Thorns – she’s just so much fun to be around, she’d be respectful of all the books and I’d feel safe with her around too.

Sloane from Things We Left Behind – gotta have a fellow romance girlie on the trip so we can rave about all ships and book boyfriends.


Ruby from Dear Aaron – I just feel like I’d get along with her so well, and she would be just as much into both the cultural as entertainment aspects of this trip as I’d be.

Alice from Let’s Talk About Love – she’d definitely be fangirling with me about the ‘entertainment’ aspects of this trip – like animes or manga in Japan and kpop and kdramas in Korea.

Luc from Boyfriend Material – would he make a great travel buddy? I’m honestly not that certain, but I am sure I’d love his humor around as he’d definitely liven up the trip!

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Tell Me:
What characters would you like to go on vacation with?

Lindsey xoxo


  1. Seeing everyone’s clever lists makes me wish I’d put together a list of characters. I like that you split your list up like this. So fun. 🙂

    1. Thanks Rissi! It wasn’t an easy topic, but it was a fun one 🙂

  2. Sophie @BewareOfTheReader says:

    Certainly Nathaniel and Elisabeth as that would be highly entertaining!

    1. They would definitely make for a super entertaining trip 😀

  3. I’ve been meaning to read Wolfsong – I really need to get to it soon! And my friend just told me to read Wolf Gone Wild as well. I loved your list!

    1. Hope you’ll love both Wolfsong and Wolf Gone Wild! 🙂

  4. I love that you designed two totally different trips!

    1. Thanks! It was fun to think about 🙂

  5. Alice was on my list, too!

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. She just seems so much fun 🙂

  6. I love how you’ve mixed up the prompt today! Those two custom vacations with those characters sound like it’d be a very fun time 😍 And I also would love to go to New Orleans to hang out with the Savoie family!

    1. Thanks! Oh, I’d love to see both New Orleans AND hang out with the Savoie sisters indeed!

  7. I would love to be friends with the Mile High people. It would be so fun!

    1. Oh! I forgot to say I wouldn’t want to hang with the ACOTAR people because that world is a little too unsteady. lol

      1. Haha so true! I definitely had a more peaceful time than during the books in my head when I thought about vacationing there 😀

    2. They just seem like such a fun friend group, I love every scene when they’re all together! 🙂

  8. I struggle with remembering all the characters so I went off-topic. Have a great week!

    1. I often have trouble remembering all the characters too 🙂

  9. I think the Night Court would be cool to visit as well, but the cast might be a bit too angsty for my vacation preferences! Lol.

    1. Haha so true! I’m definitely thinking of more peaceful times for that ‘vacation’ 😀

  10. I love your take on this week’s prompt!
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    1. Thank you!

  11. Agree with reading and baking with Robin. While Zylas will be hovering and waiting on the baked goods.

    1. Haha, so true, Zylas would not be far away and claiming his portion of the baked goods for sure 😀

  12. “Bookish friend groups I’d like to be a part of” is a great TTT topic! You should suggest it to Jana. Visiting them on their own turf is a great idea. Who better to show you around a place than the locals?

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!


    1. Thanks so much, I’m happy to hear you think it would be a great TTT topic! I suggested it to Jana, so maybe one day 🙂

  13. I love all of your choices, especially Sloane since she was one of my favorite characters from that whole series.

    1. Sloane was definitely such a fun character!

  14. Chuckster says:

    I’d like a buddy road trip with Gus McCrae from ‘Lonesome Dove’. I would not need to compartmentalize it, he’d do for just about any where. From a saloon bar, to a river crossing, to a card table, to chasing after a herd of buffalos on a spirited horse. For that matter, I had always wanted to visit his author’s bookstore ‘Booked Up’, and shoot the breeze with McMurtry and maybe Cormac McCarthy — but those two have since departed this mortal coil. Perhaps in the next life.

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