Can't Wait Wednesday

Haunted Ever After by Jen DeLuca {Can’t Wait Wednesday}

Haunted Ever After by Jen DeLuca {Can't Wait Wednesday}

Can’t Wait Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings, in which we take a look at upcoming releases we’re super excited about.

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Today’s selection and book I’m excitedly awaiting is:

Haunted Ever After by Jen DeLuca

Haunted Ever After

by Jen DeLuca
Adult Fiction – Contemporary – Romance – Paranormal
August 13th, 2024

It’s love at first haunting in a seaside town that raises everyone’s spirits in this new series from USA Today bestselling author Jen DeLuca.

Small Florida coastal towns often find themselves scrambling for the tourism dollars that the Orlando theme parks leave behind. And within the town limits of Boneyard Key, the residents decided long ago to lean into its ghostliness. Nick Royer, owner of the Hallowed Grounds coffee shop, embraces the ghost tourism that keeps the local economy afloat, as well as his spectral roommate. At least he doesn’t have to run air-conditioning.

Cassie Rutherford possibly overreacted to all her friends getting married and having kids by leaving Orlando and buying a flipped historic cottage in Boneyard Key. Though there’s something unusual with her new home (her laptop won’t charge in any outlets, and the poetry magnets on her fridge definitely didn’t read “WRONG” and “MY HOUSE” when she put them up), she’s charmed by the colorful history surrounding her. And she’s catching a certain vibe from the grumpy coffee shop owner whenever he slips her a free slice of banana bread along with her coffee order.

As Nick takes her on a ghost tour, sharing town gossip that tourists don’t get to hear, and they spend nights side-by-side looking into the former owners of her haunted cottage, their connection solidifies into something very real and enticing. But Cassie’s worried she’s in too deep with this whole (haunted) home ownership thing…and Nick’s afraid to get too close in case Cassie gets scared away for good.

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I have loved Jen DeLuca’s Well Met series and her new series sounds so good too! I’m loving the paranormal aspect already and I’m sure I’ll fall in love with another fictional small town too.

Tell Me:
Will you be reading this book?

Lindsey xoxo


  1. I have to admit that I had shied away from this book without reading the blurb. I thought it might be a romance between a person and a ghost. I’m glad you posted this because I finally read the blurb and now I’m intrigued! I hope you love it!

    1. Oh yes the title does kind of imply a ghost romance. But I’m glad it’s not because this sounds so fun and unique!

  2. This is on my wishlist too! It just sounds like such a fun story. I need it in my life!

    1. It does sound so much fun! Hope we’ll both love this one!

  3. ** immediately adds to TBR** – thanks for sharing!!

    1. Yay, hope we’ll both end up loving this one!

  4. I’m really excited for this one too after enjoying her Well Met series so much!

    1. Hope we’ll both love this one!

  5. This sounds so good!! Definitely adding to my TBR

    1. Yay, hope we’ll both end up loving this one!

  6. Ghosts by the sea is probably my favorite thing–we don’t see it enough! I didn’t have this one on my radar, but now I definitely do!

    1. It’s definitely a fun and unique premise!

  7. I think I already have this one on my TBR.

    1. I hope we’ll both love this one then when we read it!

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