Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
Hi everybody, and welcome to a new Top Ten Tuesday!
Today we’re talking about bookish memories and I decided to take this opportunity to take you on a journey through my reading life over the past few years with an overview of my favorite books throughout the years. Here we go!
To be confirmed 😉 Check out my post at the end of the year for an overview of all my favorite books of the year!

2020 was my best reading year ever – I read 102 books! Of course, that was partly due to lockdown and me being technically unemployed because of the pandemic for a few months, but let’s look on the bright side and that is books!
My absolute favorite read of the year was The House in The Cerulean Sea, which was just the shot of serotonin that 2020 needed. A darker favorite was Ninth House, which was a perfect read during the darker winter months (currently craving a re-read!). I also fell in love with the badass librarian and sassy sorcerer combo of Sorcery of Thorns AND let’s not forget that 2020 was the year I became absolutely obsessed with the Night Huntress series by Jeaniene Frost (still making my way through the series as we speak)

In 2019, I read 62 books and had quite a few favorites! Most notable bookish memory from this year is that I started listening to audiobooks and well, I’m still addicted to them to this day.
One of the series I loved was The Cruel Prince series and I especially adored the final installment in the series, The Queen of Nothing. I also discovered slow-burn queen Mariana Zapata and fell especially in love with Dear Aaron, the most adorable penpal romance. Of course, there was some Annette Marie (I tried very hard not to make this post 75% Annette Marie, but let’s just assume she’s been a yearly favorite since 2017). In 2019 she released the first book in The Guild Codex: Demonized book series and that’s when I fell in love with shy bookworm Robin and her brutal demon Zylas. And of course, I can’t forget the enemies-to-lovers romance Red White and Royal Blue, which is still one of my all-time number ones!

In 2018 I read 60 books and overall I seem to have gravitated a bit more towards romance reads that year.
One of my all-time favorite ace-rep books is Let’s Talk About Love by Claire Kann. I learned a lot about asexuality and the difference between romantic and sexual attraction because of this sweet little romance and our biromantic ace lead. I also read my very first Christina Lauren and swooned and cried over their emotional m/m romance, Autoboyography. Another romance fave of 2018 was The Kiss Quotient, with it’s amazing autism rep and sweetest/steamiest romance. And 2018 was also the year I binge (re)read the entire Dark Artifices trilogy by Cassandra Clare and it definitely took its place as my favorite shadowhunter series (though the Infernal Devices is a very, very close second). More about the author is briefed in detail in this post.

In 2017 I read 60 books. It’s the year I discovered my favorite author!
Though I think I’ve been quite careful with my Annette Marie bookish highlights so far, I can’t deny the power of Red Winter, so I’m featuring all 3 books in the trilogy as favorites here! Red Winter was the first Annette Marie book I ever read and it started a love that has lasted to this day. Though I love all Annette Marie books so far, Red Winter will always remain my favorite. Also, I read A Conjuring of Light, the final book in the Shades of Magic series, after much anticipation, and found it very much lived up to my expectations. I’m so happy we’re getting more of this world, so thank you V.E. Schwab!

In 2016 I read a whopping total of 81 books. Now, January 2016 was also when I started my blog, so I’m thinking my higher than usual number of books read has something to do with that 🙂 Naturally, I was discovering all the amazing bookish recs left and right and wanted to read ALL of them.
My favorites of 2016 are still some of my all-time favorites. I fell for Damien and Laurent from the Captive Prince trilogy. I fell for my favorite band of misfits in Six of Crows. I ADORED A Court of Mist and Fury so much that I re-read it a few times that year alone. And I fell for one of my first rom-coms: The Hating Game (and this year we’re getting a movie adaptation, woop!)

In 2015 I read 63 books. Though I’ve always been a reader, 2015 is definitely the year that my love of books grew even bigger than before. I don’t think I’ve ever read 63 books in a year, but somewhere early 2015 (maybe late 2014?) I picked up a book called Throne of Glass and fell so in love with the series that I fell in a rabbit hole of ALL THE FANTASY BOOKS.
Naturally I binge read all available Throne of Glass books so far available and Queen of Shadows was the most recent release. I also fell in love with the Grisha trilogy, An Ember in the Ashes and The Burning Sky.
2014 and before
So, I’m sure I read a lot of books in 2014 and before. But turns out I wasn’t using Goodreads yet to track my reads… so naturally I have no clue whatsoever about which of these books I read when. Below a few of the books I remember reading and loving… somewhere in that period of time 🙂

Tell Me:
Do we have any favorite books in common?

Lindsey I think your idea is genius and I will copy that today while giving you credit of course! And I loved Twilight too!
Thanks so much Sophie! Twilight was a classic in so many reader’s lifes for sure 🙂
I love this post, it’s really cool seeing your reading journey though the years! Sorcery Of Thorns really surprised me, I wasn’t expecting to love it as much as I did and it’s made me hopeful that the author’s other books will be as good – not that I’ve got round to reading them yet…
Thanks so much! Sorcery of Thorns was indeed so good! I also enjoyed her An Enchantment of Ravels, but I still need to read Vespertine.
Wow, I hadn’t realized Let’s Talk About Love came out in 2018. It feels like it came out this year!
My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-bookish-memories/
I know it seems like it wasn’t really that long ago. Time flies 🙂
Off to look at Red Winter. We have quite a few books in common, so I think it’s probable that I’ll love it. 🙂
My post is here— https://fiftytwo.blog/2021/11/30/ttt-bookish-confessions/
Happy TTT!
Oh, I hope you’ll love Red Winter if you decide to give it a try!
Lindsey! I’m doing this for my 10th blogoversary post this week, although I picked just one book for every year. Great minds! 😁 2020 was really a fantastic year. Many of my favorite books!
Haha how awesome is that? Great minds indeed 😀 Though I also tried for one book for every year at first and failed epically haha 🙂 Looking forward to your post! Also, wow and congrats with your 10th blogoversary!!
Dear Aaron is on my list, especially after loving Rhodes! The Kiss Quotient is one of my top faves! I’m hoping to read Captive Prince sometime soon!
Genesis @ Whispering Chapters
I hope you’ll love Dear Aaron! I loved Rhodes so much as well, but Dear Aaron is special to me because I’m a sucker for the penpal trope 🙂
This was so fun to read and see which books you chose! I see a ton of books I also loved throughout these years.
Thanks, glad we have some faves in common 🙂
Red, White, and Royal Blue was super cute! And I really enjoyed the Divergent series, even if I hate how it ended.
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!
I feel the same way about that Divergent ending! The first two books were amazing though.
I love seeing Autoboyography included. I have so much love for that book! And I can’t believe I *still* haven’t read anything by Mariana Zapata.
Autoboyography definitely deserves all the love! I hope you’ll enjoy Mariana Zapata when you try her books!
Ah this is such a fantastic idea for a list, I love it so much. Red, White & Royal Blue is such a great read! 🙂
Thanks! Red, White & Royal Blue is definitely such a favorite 🙂
Such a diverse list of books!
Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!
I love this post! It’s so interesting to see people’s favorite and most memorable reads. The Hunger Games, ACOMAF, and Six of Crows are still three of my all-time faves.
Thanks! They are definitely three amazing reads!
Oh snap, I also started listening to audiobooks in 2019! You have quite a few of my faves here too 🙂
My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2021/11/30/top-ten-tuesday-344/
Oh that’s great, audiobooks for the win 🙂
Divergent and Twilight are two we have in common. This was a great post, thanks for sharing!
They’re classics for sure 🙂
Oh this is fun. Ninth House is one I want to read (I’m getting into dark academia lately seems like) and the Black series also.
I kinda miss Divergent too.
Oh, I hope you’ll enjoy Ninth House, I loved it so much!
This is such a fun post and we definitely have quite a few in common, including Red, White & Royal Blue and The House in the Cerulean Sea.
Ooh those are definitely some good ones!
What a great post. I might have to copy that one day. LOL
I haven’t read much from your list, only “The Hunger Games” and that was for a book club but I always love hearing about your memories and your love for books. And from time to time, I also find an idea for a new book.
Thanks for visiting my TTT.
I look forward to reading your take on this topic!
Oh how fun! I love Red, White, and Royal Blue; the Shades of Magic series, and Autoboyography. I also really loved Twilight when I read it and The Hunger Games trilogy.
Lauren @ http://www.shootingstarsmag.net
Glad we have some faves in common!
I see lots of books from my TBR on this list. I loved Shade of Magic and The Hunger Games. Those are two of my all-time-favorite series.
Those are some of my favorites too!