Top Ten Tuesday

Kitsunes, Antari, End Days & Grand Tours — Top 10 Favorite Books Read in 2017 {Top Ten Tuesday}

171212 TTT Top 2017 Reads

Hosted by The Broke & The Bookish
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Hi everybody, and welcome to a new Top Ten Tuesday!

Today’s time to take a look back at 2017 and talk about my favorite reads of the year. I started off 2017 with a lot of reading and quite quickly got ahead of my reading goals for the year. Until my major reading slump happened and I barely read anything for months… But even with that slump, I luckily still managed to read quite a few amazing books! (And now that my reading slump seems to be over, I’m hoping to still read quite a few more before the year is over 😉 )

So without further ado, here are my favorite books that I read in 2017, in no particular order (note: these are not necessarily released in 2017. I just READ them this year):

red-winter-by-annette-marie Dark Tempest by Annette Marie Immortal Fire by Annette Marie

The Red Winter trilogy by Annette Marie

Well, you all already knew this was coming, so I might as well just start with this series right? It has definitely been my most joyous find of the year and I am so, so happy I got to fall in love with this wonderful world filled with flirty kitsunes and mysterious yokai.
My reviews for Red Winter | Dark Tempest | Immortal Fire


History Is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera

Adam Silvera makes me cry for weeks and I love him for it. History Is All You Left me was no exception. My review for History Is All You Left Me

They Both Die At The End by Adam Silvera

They Both Die At The End by Adam Silvera

Two Adam Silvera books on one list? Guess it’s obvious I adore his writing! They Both Die At The End is possibly my favorite Silvera book to date. My review for They Both Die At The End

Tash Hearts Tolstoy by Kathryn Ormsbee

Tash Hearts Tolstoy by Kathryn Ormsbee

Romantic ace rep. Glorious, wonderful, well-written romantic ace rep <3
My review for Tash Hearts Tolstoy


The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee

This book made me giggle and swoon. Monty, Percy and Felicity are one of those trios you just must meet, Monty is the most hilarious, flawed but oh so lovable main character you’ll ever meet and the shipping, oh the shipping… My review for The Gentleman’s Guide To Vice and Virtue

Queens of Geek by Jen Wilde

Queens of Geek by Jen Wilde

This book made me smile uncontrollably. It’s the sweetest little ode to fandom nerds and filled with positive rep and much-need messages. My review for Queens of Geek


Illuminae by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman

I know, everybody told me this was AMAZING but I just had to procrastinate and procrastinate, only to give in and finally read it to tell everybody… YOU WERE RIGHT THIS WAS AMAZING!
My review for Illuminae


A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab

I adore the Shades of Magic series, and this finale was quite frankly one of the best, if not THE BEST finale I have ever read. If the concept of perfection could be written into a book, this series would be the result. I still miss this world and these characters so much!
My review for A Conjuring of Light

The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller

The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller

If you love Greek mythology, this retelling of the life of Achilles and his relationship with Patroclus is a must! I found it was so well-written and filled with so much emotion and loved every page. My review for the Song of Achilles

I'll Give You The Sun by Jandy Nelson

I’ll Give You The Sun by Jandy Nelson

Gorgeous and poetic and inspiring and emotional. Amazing writing, intriguing and flawed characters, family dynamics, romance, and well… ALL THE FEELS.
My review for I’ll Give You The Sun

 What are some of your favorite books read in 2017?


  1. I’ve heard amazing things about Jady’s books, but as of yet, I’ve not read any of them. Perhaps 2018 will finally be THE year I do. 🙂

    Despite a reading slump, I’m glad you still discovered some new favorites, Lindsey. Here’s hoping for a fabulous 2018 reading year.

    1. I hope you’ll enjoy Jady’s books when you get to them! I’m hoping to get to her other books as well 🙂
      I’m so happy I finally got out of the slump as well! Hope we’ll both have amazing 2018 reading years!

  2. THEY BOTH DIE AT THE END is patiently waiting as an audiobook on my phone from my library. I have to read it in the next 21 days (probably less by now) before it expires, so I will be getting to it soon! I’m so glad to hear you liked it! There are a lot of other good books on this list that I am currently adding to my TBR. Thanks!

    1. Oh I hope you’ll enjoy They Both Die At The End! 🙂

  3. “History Is All You Left Me” broke my heart in million tiny pieces. I still need to pick up “They Both Die At The End”, but I`m preparing for the impending heartbreak. “Tash Hearts Tolstoy” definitely sounds like a book I`d love, will have to add it to my TBR.

    1. Ah I know how you feel about History Is All You Left Me! Hope you’ll enjoy They Both Die At The End, despite the heartbreak 🙂 I’d definitely recommend Tash Hearts Tolstoy!

  4. I had to add They Both Die to my wish list. Thanks for sharing it! Thanks for sharing your list!

    1. Great, I so hope you’ll enjoy They Both Die At The End! 🙂

  5. Those Red Winter covers are amazing! And yes to Illuminae- so fun. I loved Gemina even more! Queens of Geek was great too!

    1. AH, I hope to get to Gemina (and probably Obsidio as well) in 2018 for sure 🙂

  6. So glad you’re out of your slump! I still have to get to Gentleman’s Guide – it looks really funny!

    1. Thanks, me too 🙂 Gentleman’s Guide is indeed so funny, hope you’ll enjoy when you get to it!

  7. I read “Illuminae” last year already but I remember that it was one of my top 3 favorites of 2016!

    Have you read “Gemina” already, too? I know that some people were disappointed by it because it’s so similar to the first book but I enjoyed it almost just as much as “Illuminae” and can’t wait to get my hands on book 3 next year! 🙂

    Here are my favorite books of 2017 so far

    1. I haven’t read Gemina yet, but I’m really looking forward to reading it soon! I only heard positive reviews so far, so I think and hope I’ll love it just as much as Illuminae 🙂

  8. Love Illuminae and I’ll Give You the Sun. I still need to read the Adam Silvera books and I want to get to Queens of Geek and The Gentleman’s Guide. Great list!!

    1. Illuminae and I’ll Give You The Sun were so great indeed! Hope you’ll enjoy Adam Silvera’s books, Queens of Geek and The Gentleman’s Guide when you get to them 🙂

  9. A Conjuring of Light was on my list this week too!

    1. It’s the best 🙂

  10. They Both Die at the End was a great read. I’m so glad you enjoyed it, too.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

    1. It was amazing 🙂 Glad you’re a fan too!

  11. I’m so happy you have The Song of Achilles on your list! This is one of my favorites too! I loved loved loved that book. Also loved A Conjuring of Light and Illuminae is on my shortlist, I need to get to that series soon. I have never heard of the Red Winter series before, but you can bet your bottom dollar I just added it. That looks great, and the reviews! Wow!

    1. Definitely, I couldn’t not add The Song of Achilles to the list, it was amazing <3 Hope you'll enjoy Illuminae when you get to it! And yay for adding the Red Winter series to your TBR 😉

  12. History is SO GOOD and Adam Silvera is such a talented author! I’ve read all of his books this year and cried and cried. He manipulates my emotions so much!

    I can’t wait to read Tash Hearts Tolstoy to check out the own voices asexual rep because I’ve heard it is well done. I’ve never seen asexuality in a book before, and that is why I’m really interested and excited. We have a lot of books in common!

    1. Adam Silvera is definitely the master manipulator of our emotions, but I love him for it 🙂
      Tash Hearts Tolstoy was also the first time I read about an asexual main character, and I thought it was really well done!

  13. I think my top favorite read has been Eliza and Her Monsters – I jsut read it, and I simply adore it. I’m currently reading A Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue. It’s rather meh, I don’t like Monty AT ALL, so the story is dragging.

    1. I’m so looking forward to reading Eliza and Her Monsters, so I’m glad to hear you loved it so much! Sorry you’re not enjoying The Gentleman’s Guide, hope it’ll still get better for you!

  14. Can’t believe I forgot to put The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue on my list. That was definitely a favorite of mine this year.

    1. It was indeed such a great book, one of my faves as well 🙂

  15. I haven’t read any of this book except for Song of Achilles, and I love love love it so much! The ending managed to destroy me even though I know how it will ends :’)

    1. Yes, I felt the same way about the ending of The Song of Achilles! I thought it wouldn’t be so heartbreaking because I knew how it would end, but.. it still was soo emotional.

  16. I just read The Song of Achilles last week and it broke me, I’m still not over it! I need to read any Adam Silvera book next year but I’m scared, I think I need to be emotionally prepared for it..

    1. The Song of Achilles was indeed so heartbreaking! I think Adam Silvera books definitely needs you to be in the right emotional frame of mind too, because they’re equally heartbreaking…

  17. Another reminder to read the Red Winter Trilogy! I also still need to pick up Gemina (so glad you loved Illuminae) and I need to read I’ll give you the sun. Yea, I’ll be checking out the others as well. Great list!

    1. Haha yeah I’m always here to remind everyone who will listen about the Red Winter trilogy 😉 Hope we’ll both love Gemina!

  18. All of V.E.Schwab books are on my list of books that I want to read in 2018! I can’t wait to read them. I just adore the covers and all of the descriptions. 🙂

    1. V.E. Schwab is definitely one of my fave authors 🙂 Hope we’ll both get to more of her books in 2018!

  19. Yes The Gentleman’s Guide! Loved that one. And as I was slowly scrolling I knew what I would see first, haha.

    1. Haha yeah my love for a certain series is pretty obvious 😉 The Gentleman’s Guide was soo great too though 🙂

  20. The Red Winter trilogy looks awesome 🙂 I remember seeing it on your blog before too. Gorgeous covers. As for Silvera, I am very impressed that you can stomach both of those 😀 I only read TBDATE, but even after just that one, I think his topics are too sad for me, they just sort of bring me down so much! But anyway, your list looks great 🙂 great year, huh?

    1. The Red Winter trilogy is great indeed, one of my faves of the year 🙂 Haha yeah, Adam Silvera books are definitely very sad, but I can’t help but love them 🙂 Hope you’ll have a great reading year 2018 🙂

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