Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
Hi everybody and welcome to a new Top Ten Tuesday! Today I’m listing the 2024 releases I was excited to read but still haven’t gotten to. And yes, there are a few of those as there are so many books and so little time (and also, mood reader woes and other shiny books demanding my attention). Here we go:

I’m definitely still excited to read all of these. But for some, I have seen some lukewarm reviews that made me bump them a bit down on my priority list (like A Letter To The Luminous Deep or The Pairing) while others I’m still considering doing a re-read of a previous book in the series before committing to this new one (like The Undermining of Twyla and Frank or A Monsoon Rising) and others I just plainly haven’t gotten to yet, but are definitely at the top of my TBR (like The Songbird and the Heart of Stone).

Tell Me:
Have you read any of these books already?
If so, how did you like them and how urgently should I pick them up?

Elena’s book looks super cute! (Those colors are fun together too.) Haunted Ever After has a really cute title and is one I should read more about too. 🙂 Hope you enjoy these all.
Thanks Rissi!
I’ve also seem one or two lukewarm reviews of A Letter to the Luminous Deep, but I still somehow really want to read it! And the cover is so pretty! 🙂
The cover is so pretty indeed! And you’re right, a few lukewarm reviews shouldn’t influence us, tastes do differ 🙂
I also want to read A Letter to the Luminous Deep, A Novel Love Story and Haunted Every After. But will I, ever? That’s the question…
Haha it is always the question for me too 😀
I wanted to read Haunted Ever After for my fall TBR, but I couldn’t get it in time!
Hopefully we’ll both get to it this fall 🙂
I had Twyla and Frank on my list today as well cos the way I was so hyped for that and then just… never read it is a bit embarrassing 🤭 I also was so keen to get my hands on Haunted Ever After and A Novel Love Story. I hope you enjoy them whenever you get around to reading them!
I definitely do still want to read Twyla and Frank… just after a re-read of Mercy and Hart. Hope we’ll both get to it this year!
The Undermining of Twyla and Frank will be on my list too!
Hope we’ll both get to that one this year 🙂
A Novel Love Story is on mine too. I adored Songbird!! Twyla and Frank was also a great read. I hope you get to these and enjoy them!
Thanks! Hope we’ll both get to A Novel Love Story soonish 🙂
The shiny new books get me every time. I like the cover of The Fake Dating Game. I hope you’re able to read these, or are in the mood to read them, this year.
Glad to hear I’m not the only one distracted by the shiny new books 🙂