Top Ten Tuesday

New-to-Me Authors I Discovered in 2024

20250128 New-to-Me Authors I Discovered in 2024 NEW

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Hi everybody and welcome to a new Top Ten Tuesday! Today I’m taking a look back at last year and highlighting the new-to-me authors I discovered in 2024.

While I do have the tendency to stick to known and beloved authors most of the time, I think I actually did pretty great at trying new-to-me authors in 2024 (I had more than 10) and more than that, a lot of them turned out to be some of my favorite reads of the year!

So without further ado, here are my top 10 new-to-me authors I discovered in 2024 (in no particular order)!

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Tell Me:
Have you read any of these books too?
Or other books by these authors?

Lindsey xoxo


  1. I really liked Holly’s book! In fact, seeing this reminds me I need to read book two (especially since the BBC show is getting a second season). Kate’s looks cute, too!

    1. I need to continue on with book two in the Good Girl’s Guide books too. Hope we’ll both get to it before the second season is out 🙂

  2. Don’t know any of those books and I don’t think I’ve heard of the authors.
    Only might have heard of the show A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder. Haven’t seen it, though 🤔

    1. I hope you’ll end up loving any of these you might try! (I did prefer the A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder book over the tv show)

  3. Yassss Callie Hart! 😀

    1. I didn’t know her before Quicksilver, but I’m glad I discovered her now 🙂

  4. Phantasma is on my TBR, looking forward to getting to it! Would also like to try Abby Jiminez at some point to0 – I hear nothing but good things!

    1. Hope you’ll love Phantasma when you give it a try! And Abby Jimenez too, I definitely want to try more of her books.

  5. Nice selection of authors—always fun to reflect on new discoveries. Happy reading!

    1. So true! Thanks 🙂

  6. Yay to Abby Jimenez! I’m so glad I finally started reading her books.

    1. Me too, though I still have a lot to catch up on 🙂

  7. Sophie @BewareOfTheReader says:

    I knew Callie Hart from way back!

    1. I’m glad I discovered her this year, definitely need to try more of her books!

  8. Lauren Always Me says:

    I like Holly Jackson a lot and I’ll probably read whatever she decides to write.

    1. I’m glad to hear that! I definitely want to try more books by her soon too.

  9. I really should read Just for the Summer sometime.

    1. I hope you’ll love it if you decide to give it a try!

  10. Yaas, I had Rebecca Ross and Abby Jimenez on my list as well and I can’t wait to read more from both of them. I hope to read a few of the other titles you’ve mentioned here and I’m very excited to discover these authors too 🙂 I hope you continue to find more amazing authors in 2025!

    1. Yay, I’m glad to hear you also discovered Rebecca Ross and Abby Jimenez last year! I definitely need to try more books by them as well!

  11. I haven’t read any of these authors. I am busy right now updating my list of reviewed books and it is painfully obvious to me that I don’t often read the same author over and over. There are just a few authors I make sure to read everything they publish based on my previous reading experiences, but not many. So every year is a long list of new authors.

    1. That’s great, that means a lot of new discoveries and pleasant surprises every year 🙂

    1. Hope you’ll love both of them!

  12. I have not read any of these, but glad you found new authors to love! Have a great week!

  13. Great list! Phantasma and Quicksilver are on my list to read soon!!

    1. Yay, hope you’ll love Phantasma and Quicksilver!

      1. Thank you!! I hope so too. 🙂

  14. I also loved AGGGTM. I’m glad you found some great new authors to love in 2024.

    Happy TTT!


    1. Thanks, me too!

  15. Literary Feline says:

    I’ve heard such good things about Abby Jimenez. I would really like to give her work a try. This Spells Love looks like fun. I will have to check that one out! It looks like you read quite a few great sounding books this past year. Thank you for sharing!

    1. I hope you’ll love Abby Jimenez! I definitely want to try her backlist as well.

  16. That’s great that some of the new authors/books you tried ended up being favorites for the year! Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you.

  17. Great list, I haven’t read any of these but Butcher & Blackbird is on my to read list.

    1. Hope you’ll love Butcher & Blackbird!

  18. It looks like a great list. I haven’t read any of these but The Road of Bones looks interesting to me

    1. The Road of Bones was one of my favorite reads of 2024 for sure 🙂

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